Biden’s frame can be piled into a mountain!

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Source: Li Jianqiu’s world (id:lijianqiudeshijie)

On June 8 local time, Biden will announce an economic framework for the Americas – “Americas partnership for economic prosperity” (hereinafter referred to as APEP) at the summit of the Americas.

Biden: Quad


Biden: aukus


Biden: IPEF


Biden: APEP




Before that, I advised you not to pay too much attention to this framework, that framework, this meeting and that meeting.

It doesn’t make any sense.

DengZi can make a lot of frames.

From a to Z.

Do you have to analyze every framework? That doesn’t kill me?


After studying the United Nations commodity trade statistics, Reuters found that in addition to the United States still being Mexico’s largest trading partner, China’s trade relations with other Latin American countries have exceeded that of the United States.

This shows that the United States has gradually lost its position in Latin America, which has always been regarded as its backyard. In order to balance China’s influence, Biden held the summit of the Americas in Los Angeles this week.

In the 1990s, the United States and Mexico signed a free trade agreement. The trade volume between the United States and Mexico exceeds the total trade volume between the United States and all other Latin American countries.

The trade deficit between the United States and Latin American countries first appeared during the trump administration in 2018, and has continued to expand since Biden took office.

Current and outgoing officials of some Latin American countries told Reuters that the United States has made slow progress in taking concrete actions, while China, as a major buyer of grain and metal resources, has provided more opportunities for the region in terms of trade and investment.

Juan carloscapunay, former ambassador of Peru to China, said that apart from Mexico, “for Latin America, the most important commercial, economic and technological link must be China. China is the largest trading partner in the region, much higher than the United States”.

He added that Latin America remained more politically aligned with the United States.

According to available data, excluding Mexico, last year, the total import and export trade between Latin American countries and China reached nearly 247billion US dollars, far higher than 174billion US dollars with the United States. Reuters failed to obtain the trade data of all Latin American countries last year, but the trade between China and the United States of these countries with missing data is relatively balanced.

The total trade volume between Mexico and the United States last year was US $607billion, up from US $496billion in 2015. Last year, the trade volume between Mexico and China reached 110billion US dollars, up from about 75billion US dollars six years ago.

Neither the white house nor the State Department responded to Reuters’ questions.

U.S. government officials said that President Biden will announce an economic partnership program among countries in the western hemisphere at the summit of the Americas this week. The plan focuses on promoting economic recovery based on existing trade agreements. Reuters pointed out that this plan is obviously intended to balance China’s influence.

The plan, called the “Americas partnership for economic prosperity”, will cover five areas, including investment mobilization, institutional Revitalization (Inter American Development Bank), clean energy employment, flexible supply chain and sustainable trade.

However, this plan is likely to be resisted by protectionism in the United States. At the same time, we need to answer the question of how to make the economies with great differences in Latin America achieve these goals together.


Biden’s aides, who had visited Latin American countries, tried to convince their partners that Washington was a more reliable and transparent business partner. The United States has publicly accused China of creating a “debt trap” for countries in the name of investment.

But an unnamed US official admitted that Washington was facing a difficult challenge. “As long as China is ready to put its cash on the table, we seem to be losing a battle,” he said

If the huge trade volume between the United States and Mexico is taken into account, the United States is still in the leading position in the trade relations with Latin American countries, but this masks a broader trend in the region, that is, goods made in China are gaining advantages. Beijing buys a large number of soybeans, corn and copper from Latin America.

China is expanding its advantages in Argentina and Chile and Peru, which are rich in copper resources. Even in Brazil, where extreme right-wing President bosonaro suspects that China’s commercial interests have too much influence, China has made great progress.

Ballier of BMJ consultants associados in Brazil said that China often invests in transportation and infrastructure, which is conducive to trade transactions in food and metals. At the same time, Latin American governments often feel that the United States is just talking empty words.

He said: “Latin American governments complain that [the United States] has said so much, but where is the money in the end?”

The summit of the Americas held in Los Angeles is regarded as a core platform for the United States to confront China. Biden did not invite the leaders of Nicaragua, Venezuela and Cuba to participate in this year’s meeting, which triggered a public boycott by Latin American leaders including Mexican President obarado.

Farnsworth, a former White House official and now vice chairman of the Inter American Council, a think tank, said that the issues of U.S. domestic affairs and the war in Ukraine have made Biden focus on other places.

“The (American) summit is part of the solution to the problem, but it still needs to come up with specific things,” he said.

PS: some people have been sending me private letters to analyze this Indo Pacific framework. I have advised you not to pay too much attention to the XX framework. There are too many sub frameworks.

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