Introduction to the stomach of the twenty eight constellations in Chinese mythology, what is the third of the seven constellations in the west?

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The pheasant, Weisu, is one of the twenty-eight constellations in Chinese mythology and the third in the West. The following China story network editor will bring you a detailed introduction. Let’s have a look!

Just like the function of human stomach, stomach lodging is like the warehouse of heaven, storing grain, so stomach lodging is more auspicious. Stomach, “Shi Ming”: “stomach surrounds and receives food.” “Shiji Tianguan book”: “stomach is tiancang.”

Weisu Samsung belongs to Aries (Aries Delta, zeta, 63), both of which are small stars of the fourth and fifth order.

Among the twelve constellations, Zhou Su belongs to yanggongzu, which is the triangle of celestial constellations. This is a small constellation located in the south of Andromeda and between Perseus. The slender second-order triangular shape formed by three third-order stars can be clearly seen. It belongs to the western white tiger constellation.



Pheasant, one of the twenty eight constellations in ancient Chinese mythology.

It belongs to soil and belongs to pheasant. It is the third place in the West. Like the function of the human stomach, the stomach is like the warehouse of heaven, storing grain, so the stomach is auspicious.

The stomach building is prosperous, the sacrifice marriage is meritorious, and if the burial is still on this day, the idyllic grain will be abundant.

Shen congguan, Meng Shenye, the God of stomach star. Meng Shen has eight people, surnamed Feng and surnamed Xiejun. Yi Liuhuang single clothes, with sword, stomach star God. The five dragons are governed at the top, and the Yuntai Mountain is governed at the bottom. This is the combination of the first three rulers and the garrison.


In the twelve palaces, Zhou Su belongs to yanggongzu, which is the triangle of celestial constellations.

This is a small constellation located in the south of Andromeda and between Perseus. The slender second-order triangular shape formed by three third-order stars can be clearly seen. It belongs to the western white tiger constellation.


Daling five

Great Mausoleum V (Perseus) ?) It is a bright star in Perseus and a famous pair of eclipsing binaries. He is not only the first pair of eclipsing binaries discovered, but also the first non supernova variable star discovered. The apparent magnitude of Da Lingwu varies regularly from 2.1 to 3.4 in a period of 2 days, 20 hours and 49 minutes. In addition, in the process of studying the evolution of stars, it is found that the companion star with smaller mass of Daling five evolved earlier, which is inconsistent with the theory that the life cycle of larger stars is shorter, which is the problem of “Daling five paradox”.


The English “ALGOL” of Daling five means “demon star” (from Arabic al GH ? l. “The ghoul”), probably because of his strange behavior. In the fairy tale of Perseus, he is the head of Medusa, the snake haired witch, or the eye of three Gorgons who share eyes and teeth.

China calls it Daling five because it is the fifth star representing the royal mausoleum.

In astrology, it is considered to be the most unfortunate star in the sky. In the middle ages, it was one of the 15 behenian stars and combined with diamonds as the symbol of kabbalitic.

The dimming record of Da Lingwu was first proposed by geminiano Montanari in 1667, but it is likely that he has been noticed long before this. The first person to propose the dimming mechanism of this variable star was British amateur astronomer John Goodrich. In May, 1783, he submitted his research results to the Royal Society, suggesting that periodic changes were caused by a dark object passing in front of it (or the star itself had a dark area facing the earth). For this report, he was awarded the Copley medal.

In 1881, Edward Pickering, an astronomer at Harvard, proposed clear evidence that Da Lingwu was an eclipsing binary. In 1889, a few years after it was confirmed, Hermann Vogel, an astronomer in Potsdam, a small town in northern Germany, found that there was a periodic Doppler shift in the spectrum of Daling five, which was inferred to be caused by the radial velocity change of the binary star. Therefore, Daling five became the first confirmed spectral binary star.


As an eclipsing binary, it is actually two stars orbiting each other in close orbit. Because the orbital plane happens to be included in the direction of the earth’s line of sight, the darker star (Daling v b) will pass in front of the brighter star (Daling V A) in each cycle, and the luminosity reaching the earth will temporarily decrease. To be more precise, Daling five is actually a group of triads: the distance between the paired eclipsing binaries is only 0.062au, the average distance between the third star (Daling five C) and the eclipsing binaries is 2.69au, and the common orbital period is 681 days (1.86 years). The total mass of the system is about 5.8 solar mass, and the mass ratio of three stars a:b:c is 4.5:1:2.

The study of Da Lingwu has caused a contradiction in the theory of star evolution: two stars in the conjoined star are formed at the same time, and the massive star evolves faster than the small one. However, it is observed that Da Lingwu a with larger mass is still in the main sequence belt, while Da Lingwu B with smaller mass is already a secondary giant at a later stage. This contradiction can be explained by mass transfer: when a massive star evolves into a sub giant, it is full of Roche lobes, so a lot of mass is transferred to another star that is still a primary sequence star.

Many conjoined stars like da Lingwu can indeed observe the flow of gas. This system also shows changes in the activities of X-rays and radio flares, which are believed to be caused by the interaction between the magnetic field and mass transmission of AB and ab stars. The formation of radio radiation may be related to the magnetic field cycle that causes sunspots, but the magnetic field surrounding these stars is more than ten times stronger than that of the sun, making these radio flares more powerful and lasting.

Daling five is 92.8 light-years away from the earth. However, when it passed near the earth at a distance of 9.8 light-years 7.3 million years ago, its apparent magnitude was about 2.5, brighter than Sirius today. Because the total mass of this system is 5.8 times that of the sun, although there is still a considerable distance when it is closest, it will still cause slight perturbation to the Oort cloud of the solar system and increase the number of comets entering the inner solar system. However, the net effect on the increase in the actual number of craters is considered to be very small. Disclaimer: the above content originates from the network, and the copyright belongs to the original author. Please inform us if your original copyright is infringed, and we will delete the relevant content as soon as possible.

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